Howards on Quan Yin

Welcome to sailing with Howard

Kip & I on Quan Yin

Through out our lives we meet a lot of people, some have an impact on our lifes destiny and others just past through. Howard Blasingame is one that had a hand in changing our destiny.

Fresh Start at anchor

In August 1999 Howard invited us to go camping at El Capitan Campground located a few miles north of
Santa Barbara on the Pacific Coast. He and a friend had sailed his Pearson 30 Fresh Start to San Miguel and were going to be anchored off the Santa Barbara Coast
for a few days.

Enjoying the dolphins

We had a wonderful day sail, the weather was perfect and the seas were calm. A great way to be introduced to the world of sailing. Even the dolphins came over to great us on our solo sail.

Kip and I loved it so much we invited ourselves to sail Fresh Start back to Channel Islands Harbor on Sunday.

Enjoying the trip back to Channel Islands

We really enjoyed the sail back to Channel Islands Anacapa Marina. We were hooked on sailing from that day on.

Perfect day for a sail

For the next couple of years we enjoyed many sailing trips on Fresh Start.
Avalon Harbor

A trip to Santa Cruz Island which is part of the
Channel Islands National Park along with a trip to Catalina Island where we enjoyed the annual Jazz Festival along with the beautiful animeties on the Island.

Thank You Howard for introducing us to the wonderful world of sailling.

Howard's NZ visit 2008